Monday 17 November 2014

Short Catchup

I just wanted to quickly let you all know why I haven't been posting and it's because my schedule has blown up! I used to spend nearly everyday doing nothing and now I don't have a day off.

I now work four days a week and also go to college four days a week (I do both on mondays) and so I literally haven't got a day free. I wanted to let my schedule set in first and get used to it before I started planning things around it but I'm commited to making more effort to posting on my blog now because I really do love doing it.

I get a week off of work soon and so hopefully I should be able to use the weekend to get some draft posts sorted and then I can post them weekly. I'm super excited to be able to be blogging again cause I've missed it and it's just annoying that I wake up in the dark and by the time I'm home its dark again. Damn winter.

I hope you're all well and if you have any post ideas or feedback please let me know in the comments.

Love Mads

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