About Me

Hello, I'm Madeleine (Maddie or Mads for short) I'm nineteen and a self confessed fashion and beauty addict. I am a full time estate agent so you may see some interior design, house stuff creeping it's way onto my blog. Travel is also something I'm passionate about. 

I have always wanted my own blog and now I am so glad I created this place as an outlet for me to express the things I love. I am so proud of my blog and the personal space I've created right here on the internet.

This is me

If you want to contact me my social links are as follows

Thankyou for reading

P.S my header was created by me however the images on it are from Pinterest and are NOT my own drawings!


  1. i love your blog, you're amazing! after seeing yours i really want to start one, thanks for the inspiration, keep up the hard work

    1. i've only just seen this but thank you so much, I cant even tell you how much that means to me:) if you do start one leave me the link i'd love to see!thanks again
