Wednesday, 2 July 2014

How I Style A Black Skater Skirt For Summer

So I've been thinking about how difficult it can sometimes be to put outfits together so I thought I would start doing these kind of 'how i style' posts. I love reading them on other peoples blogs and so I just thought I would make my own. Today I decided to do it on a plain black skater skirt from Miss Selfridge however I don't think they sell it anymore, which is a bummer, but you can find plain black skater skirts in most stores at the moment. This one from ASOS is very similar to mine.

Anyway on we go! 

First of all I styled it with a black and white swing vest from Primark. Hopefully they still sell this but due to them not being online I can't find out. Here's a similar one. I liked this look, so simple and comfortable. I tucked the vest in cause I think it fits my figure better to do so but you can leave it untucked if you prefer.

Next I paired it with a simple crochet top from Primark, they should still sell this. If not again here's something similar. I actually really love this, I adore crochet and to be honest I wanted to keep wearing this outfit. I love when you make new discoveries of things that go well together!

I then paired the skirt with a plain white crop top from Boohoo. They do still have this in stock, yay!haha, I liked this all though I did feel as if I had a lot of skin on show which is what led me to my final style

A kimono! I love a good kimono! This is also from Boohoo which again I don't think they still sell (I am not doing well am I! Think this makes an excuse for a shopping trip soon!). Here's a different one by Boohoo that is the same styling and fit. Excuse the second picture but these are the only two photos I took in this (that weren't blurry) and I think it shows the pattern on the kimono well!Hahaha!I also just wanted to show you that all though I do take this seriously, I also have a lot of fun doing it!My sister is most often my photographer and well, this is what happens when she doesn't stop pressing the camera button at me!

I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did making it! And that it gives you some inspiration for your skater skirt!
See you soon, 
lotsa love

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