Saturday, 28 June 2014

Review // Lee Stafford Hair Treatment

So I am back with a hair care review! Lets dive straight in....
Around a year ago I started noticing that my hair was looking really damaged and just unhealthy, it felt like almost straw, it was irritating my skin and I had so many split ends that I couldn't count the amount on my hands. I knew I definitely had to start finding something to help and started trying so many products in a certain price range and whilst they did what they said like fixing split ends I still wasn't getting that soft, healthy hair I was after. So I did some research and i came across the Lee Stafford Breaking Hair range, and the products well they are just AMAZING.
I noticed a difference straight away like after the first wash I was just blown away. The shampoo and conditioner are explanatory but the leave in treatment is a cream that you put a small amount between your hands and then rub it all over wet hair and then do your normal routine and oh my you will see what I'm making such a fuss about. As I am lead to believe there are other products within this range that I am yet to try but I definitely would say they are worth the extra money!
Here's links to the shampoo, conditioner and leave in treatment.
If you have trouble with your hair and want to make it healthier and just feel happier with your head of hair, here is the magic product. I highly recommend this. (I'm not paid to say any of this, it's my honest opinion, I got gifted these products by my grandparents!)
There are other Lee Stafford ranges tailored to other treatments such as 'Frizz Off' and 'Hair Growth' and I will definitely be going back to Lee Stafford and either refilling my Breaking Hair or trying another range!

I really hope this post has helped you find some new products to try out and that they will help you the way they have me!
Just so you know, I am going to start posting much, much more now as I have left college, yay!
Lots of love x

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