Sunday, 6 July 2014

My Summer Playlist

Hellooo, so today I'm going for a bit of something different, more lifestyle related and I'm going to show you my summer playlist on Spotify. These aren't just new tracks there's some old time classics in there!I didn't pick too many as I'd be here for ages I just picked out a few handfuls.

These aren't my all time favourite songs but they're definitely most of the songs that get me into the mood for the summer!I know there's many more and that not everyone's music taste is the same but I am sharing mine with you.

I feel summery just looking at the track list!
Let me know in the comments if you like this kind of lifestyle/recommendations post!I love hearing your feedback.

Follow me on Spotify for more of the music I love and indulge in here!

I hope you enjoyed this post and that it gives you some new music to listen to or reminds you of some of your favourite classics
Lots of loveee

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