Monday, 12 January 2015

The Liebster Award

I'm so excited that I've been nominated! I was nominated by the lovely Natalie. I really appreciate it and can't wait to get it posted.

The rules for this award are as follows
1. Link the person who nominated you 
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer
5. Notify all nominees via social media / blogs

The 11 blogs I want to nominate are:

7. Carla Batley/Fashion Treehouse
8. We The Spies
9. Zarrmenay
10. Her Name Is Cheril
11. She Wears Sea Shells

These are the questions that Natalie has given for me to answer!So here we go..

1. What is your favourite book and why?
I don't read any books the only ones I've ever read were at school but my favourite from school would be James and the Giant Peach that I read in primary just because it's cute
2. Tell us your proudest achievement thus far
My proudest achievement so far for my blog would be even just hitting 40 followers that was a big accomplishment for me and really made me happy because I love doing this and like knowing that even just one person appreciates what I do and enjoys reading it
3. What is your signature scent?
Calvin Klein Shock for her. It is my favourite perfume!
4. What bloggers do you look up to?
Oh god loads! There are so many but the biggest inspirations for me are Charlotte Fisher, Sarah Ashcroft, Gabriella Lindley and Zoe Sugg
5. Do you think you will achieve your dream job? What is it?
I kind of have two dream jobs one is to do property development and that's my big dream job but another is to work in fashion as a hobby so keeping my blog (not really a job but it's still a dream for me just to keep doing it no matter how it turns out) and doing fashion photography too
6. Is there anyone/anything you miss?
I miss lazing around all weekend and not having to work, as lazy as that sounds but it gave me more time to focus on my blog but I do need the money from work so I just need to work out a strategy to do both
7. What advice would you give to your ten year old self?
To stand up for myself and to take Geography in GCSE instead of Dance, hahah!
8. You are allowed to go back to one moment in all of history. Where would you go?
I'd go back to the Cretaceous, I love dinosaurs and would love to see them alive! Either that or I'd go back to when tigers were at their highest population I'd love to see them thriving considering I will never have that chance now.
9. What's you star sign and do you feel it suites you?
I'm a Leo and in some respects it does and others not, I'm confident and have a big personality like a Leo should but not when you first meet me
10. Have you had a good day? What did you do?
It has been okay. I went to college and did a practice assessment and then went to work
11. Do you have any ambitions for your blog?
Yes! I want to post more fashion posts of outfits and stuff cause I enjoy doing those posts and reading them! I just need to find time as I don't have days off so I think I'm going to do a big shoot to have pictures and outfits to post

Thanks Natalie for those questions, these are the 11 questions I have for the bloggers I nominated!

1. Who are your favourite bloggers
2. What are your favourite posts to write?
3. Who is your biggest style crush?
4. What's your favourite animal?
5. What object couldn't you live without?
6. How often do you take a minute to appreciate life?
7. What are your goals for your blog?
8. Do you prefer winter or summer?
9. What is your favourite trend at the minute? (beauty or fashion)
10. What's your favourite TV programme?
11. If you could have any house in the world where would it be and why?

I hope you girlies enjoy answering these questions and please leave the link in the comments when you post this award!

Love Mads


  1. Replies
    1. aww hehe well thankyou for the nomination!x

  2. I've just done it! Thankya for nominating me, I actually had so much fun searching for new blogs to follow! xo

    1. aw good, i'll have a read of it now!you're welcome and i enjoyed that bit of it too!xo
