Sunday, 17 August 2014

College/School Bag Staples

I'm one of those people that just gets weirdly excited about stationary and getting my bag all neat. I've been like it for as long as I can remember. The staple pieces I've decided to put in my bag are: 

A folder with plastic wallets from Tesco
Two notepads from Tesco
Primark Sunglasses
Primark Purse
Tesco Pencil Case
Staedtler Triplus Fineliner
Vaseline Rosy Lips
Hair clips
Flavoured Water
House Keys
Strawberry TicTacs
and of course a Make Up Bag with a few essentials.

My bag that I will use for college is from Primark and it's just perfect it has three compartments and is black with gold zips. And of course, I have my new Nikon D3200 that I will need as I am on a photography course now. You can really tell the difference between the photos taken with my camera and this one with my iPhone 4s. 

I get most of my things from Tesco as there is one just down the street but you can find similar things in most other supermarkets. 

I hope this helps you find what to put into your school/college bag!
Is there any other essentials you would include?


  1. haha I always start a new semester with a lot of these things and give up two weeks later! Haha I'm so lazy :P

    Another Ordinary Blog


    1. same! always plan to be so organised but as you said only last two weeks! haha me too :)
