My post for this week is going to be abit different. It is about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I watched a video on this to learn all about it and it was a guy talking about how him and his family suffer from ALS and it really touched my heart so once I was nominated to do this challenge by my sister I did because I saw in that video what those people go through and just wanted to show my support. It's so humbling when so many people to come together to help one cause, or many for that reason. There is a lot of other causes that I believe in and may mention here one day.
On my challenge, my dog ended up getting hit with most of the water which whilst not great for him is very funny to watch and he dried off and was fine after as none of the ice actually hit him, only me! Please watch my video and the video linked of the one I saw that really inspired me to take part. Also please donate to such a wonderful cause.
You can donate here and read more here.