Saturday, 28 June 2014

Review // Lee Stafford Hair Treatment

So I am back with a hair care review! Lets dive straight in....
Around a year ago I started noticing that my hair was looking really damaged and just unhealthy, it felt like almost straw, it was irritating my skin and I had so many split ends that I couldn't count the amount on my hands. I knew I definitely had to start finding something to help and started trying so many products in a certain price range and whilst they did what they said like fixing split ends I still wasn't getting that soft, healthy hair I was after. So I did some research and i came across the Lee Stafford Breaking Hair range, and the products well they are just AMAZING.
I noticed a difference straight away like after the first wash I was just blown away. The shampoo and conditioner are explanatory but the leave in treatment is a cream that you put a small amount between your hands and then rub it all over wet hair and then do your normal routine and oh my you will see what I'm making such a fuss about. As I am lead to believe there are other products within this range that I am yet to try but I definitely would say they are worth the extra money!
Here's links to the shampoo, conditioner and leave in treatment.
If you have trouble with your hair and want to make it healthier and just feel happier with your head of hair, here is the magic product. I highly recommend this. (I'm not paid to say any of this, it's my honest opinion, I got gifted these products by my grandparents!)
There are other Lee Stafford ranges tailored to other treatments such as 'Frizz Off' and 'Hair Growth' and I will definitely be going back to Lee Stafford and either refilling my Breaking Hair or trying another range!

I really hope this post has helped you find some new products to try out and that they will help you the way they have me!
Just so you know, I am going to start posting much, much more now as I have left college, yay!
Lots of love x

Friday, 20 June 2014

The Walled Gardens At Bishop Burton College

Hello, so recently when I was at college I had a block of frees so me and my friend went into the walled gardens and I took some gorgeous photos of the flower they had growing there and I thought I would share them with you!

If you want to keep more up to date with me and my photography follow me on instagram here. These photos were all taken on an iPhone 3GS incase anyone was wondering although I have upgraded to an iPhone 4S now, so hopefully my pictures in the future will be much better!

Thankyou for reading, please let me know in the comments if you enjoy this kind of post! I hope you're all enjoying your week, 
Love Maddie 

Friday, 13 June 2014

My Nail Care Routine

Hello there, so today I just thought I would share with you what products I used to keep my nails healthy and nice looking. 

These are the products I use to keep my hands and nails healthy and prevent daily wear on them and also keep them looking healthy too.

First of all if I have been wearing nail varnish for something I remove it with this Superdrug Artificial Nail Remover, I know this obviously isn't the correct product but I feel it works a lot faster and I'm really impatient when removing nail varnish and because this is designed to remove glue, nail varnish is a breeze.

I then apply this Nails Inc London top coat in the shade 'Kensington Caviar Topcoat' (052). This product gives a gorgeous glossy look to my nails and I just really enjoy wearing as it provides a protective layer over my nails.

 Now this product is something you won't regularly see from beauty bloggers, this is a product designed to be distasteful. I apply it to the ends of my nails to stop me biting them. Now I didn't want to lie to you all and miss out this step from shame cause I feel like it's something a lot of people may do, it's an awful habit and I hate it which is why I use this stuff, this is a discontinued product from Avon however there are alternatives and you can find a good one here. Once my Avon product has run out, I will be sure to review the boots product! I hope if any of you suffer with this, this helps and also please leave me a comment and let me know if I've helped you so I know I'm not actually the only one, haha!

This is my favourite product, this is the Superdrug 2 In 1 Hand & Nail Cream, it's so moisturising and I love using it, it improves strength in my nails and gives my hands such a soft touch, just as the bottle states! Aaaand, to add to this already great product, it smells AMAZING, in my opinion, I thoroughly enjoy using this product and you can find it here.

I really hope this has given some insight into how to care for your hands and nails and also, if you suffer from biting your nails, I hope I've helped you in that department, hehe!
Much love to you all 

Sunday, 8 June 2014

7 Deadly Sins Of Beauty Tag & A Quick Catch Up

Hello, so today I wanted to do a tag I've seen people do such as FleurdeForce and others. I also just wanted to give you a quick low down on my life right now and explain a few things. Enjoy!

So, the questions!

1. GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?
My most inexpensive beauty products are probably my current makeup brushes, they're from eBay and are Emily Make Up Brushes which you can find and buy here. I know they're not the best brushes but i'm looking to save up to my birthday in July and go on a big shopping trip and hopefully get some better ones then. I also got a recent tester from Maybelline for their Super Stay Better Skin Foundation range. You can find out more about this product here
My most expensive item is probably, ooh, you know I have no idea haha! I don't own any mega expensive brands like MAC or Chanel, yeah I have no idea!

2. WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with?
The minute I read this question I knew exactly which product. I am in a total love/hate relationship with liquid eye liners. I love the way they look and how much easier they look to apply BUT I cannot apply them, I don't know why but my hands just get really shaky and I have to spend ages perfecting the lines with countless cotton buds, it's a right mess.

 3. GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?
For this I would have to say either my Body Shop Pink Grapefruit Lipbalm. It's very scrummy. Ooh and maybe my Vaseline Lip Therapy Rosy Lips, that has a very fruity taste, yum. 

4. SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect, due to laziness?
I always neglect my concealer, I don't know why but even though I know it makes a difference in a morning I'm just like can I really be bothered to put that on too, hope thats not just me! *insert monkey emoji* 

5. PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
Mascara!! All the way, I won't leave the house without mascara on, I just don't like my eyes without it! Although close second would be foundation but I dont HAVE to be wearing that like I do with mascara. 

6. LUST: What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
Eyes, I'm a sucker for brown eyes.

7. ENVY: What items would you most like to receive as a  gift?
Now this is a bit of a cheeky question haha! But on things like Christmas I always enjoy opening smelly products, like moisturisers or perfumes something I can whack on and enjoy smelling for the rest of the day.

And to finish this post I just have a few things I need to mention, sorry about the long read tehe! I just wanted to let you all know why I'm lacking in posts. I am coming to the end of my two year Animal Management course and although it's BTEC, it's no less hectic. I have some work to upgrade and hand in and refers to finish before we break up at the start of July. I've also had my interview for my Photography course, I'm at the Orthodontist tomorrow (Monday) and so yeah, things are just very suddenly hectic! And so I just wanted to let you all know so that you didn't think it is a permanent feature. When I leave college this year, I'm going to be setting days to post and hopefully keeping to much more regular posting as I will have more free time. Oh and I've also decided that I don't like having set greetings and goodbyes any more so I'm just going to put what fits in with the post, I don't want my blog to appear robotic because it's something I'm passionate about and put a lot of time into and I want that to convey to you lovely people.

Thankyou for your patience and all your love and support!
See you next time,